ObjectJ Menu

Project File   >

About ObjectJ...

Displays information about ObjectJ version and current project file

Open Project ...

Opens an existing project file such as "MyProject.ojj". ObjectJ allows only one project to be open and therefore first closes any previous project. An alternative way to open a project is to drag the .ojj file onto the ImageJ main window. You also can drag it onto the ImageJ "microscope" icon, but be aware that in Windows this could open a second instance of ImageJ, which can be confusing.

Export Linked Results...

Opens a dialog to control what needs to exported or copied. You can specify column titles by supplying several comma-separated terms that may contain wildcards '*' and '?' Only qualified rows of linked results will be exported. If "Include Statistics" is checked, edit the comma-separated list such as "count, mean, stdev, min, max, sum"

Save A Copy Of Project...

This can be useful when you want to make a backup of the project's current state with a different name

Save An Empty Copy...

Saves a copy of current project, but without including objects and image references. Besides that, the entire structure of the project, including embedded macros, is preserved. Use this command when you want to start a new project with same conditions as an existing one.

Export Embedded Macros

Writes a copy of currently embedded macros as 'Exchange File' into the same folder and using has same base name as the project file, but with .txt instead .ojj extension. Any previous 'Exchange File' is overwritten without notice.

Import Embedded Macros

Replaces current embedded macros by those in the 'Exchange File', or by any other txt or .ojj file.

Close Project

Closes current project

Save Project

Saves current project as an .ojj file, which includes markers, ObjectJ results, image links and all project settings in the project file. It doesn't save any images.

Link Images   >


Link Image From Project Folder

Opens a dialog to include a reference to one the images in the project folder. Image types can be TIF, GIF, JPG, PNG etc, but not Zip, Mov, Avi etc. Alternatively, you can drag an image from Finder/Explorer into the 'Images' panel

Link All Images from Project Folder

Automatically loads references to all supported images in the project folder (not in sub directories)

Link Front Image

If front image is stored in project folder and is not linked yet, it will be linked

Forget Unmarked Images

Removes references to images that do not contain any markers

Propagate Scale to Linked Images...

Sets the same scale to all images that are linked. A right-click onto a "px/unit" value in the Images panel does the same.

Flattened Duplicate

Creates an RGB image of same size, with objects and overlay burnt into the image at zoom=100%. Current ROI is killed. See also Plugins> Utilities> Capture Screen , which respects current zoom and current ROI, but includes only the part that is visible on the screen.

Objects   >


Show Object # ...

shows and selects an object upon underlying image

Delete Objects

Deletes non-destructive markers according to criteria shown in a dialog box.

Delete All Objects

just what it says. There is no Undo!

Roi to Object Item

converts a region of interest into an object's item. Example: if the image shows a straight-line selection, and in the ObjectJ Tools window an item is highlighted of type "Line", the coordinates of the selection are used to create a line object of that item type, as if the two end points would have been clicked with the mouse.

Show Project Window [shift-F1]

Brings the project window to the front; this is the place to define a project via four panels: images, objects, columns, qualifiers.

Show ObjectJ Tools [shift-F2]

Brings the ObjectJ tool window to the front, showing tools like pistol etc, plus the currently available item types. Also custom tools defined in embedded macros appear here as extra buttons.

Show Project Results [shift-F3]

Brings the ObjectJ results table to the front, which is completely independent from the ImageJ results table.

Show Embedded Macros [shift-F4]

Displays a text window that holds embedded macros. These can be edited and reloaded by pressing button 'Install in ObjectJ Menu'. The only way to embed macros from elsewhere is via Copy-Paste. Once the macros are installed, choose ObjectJ>Save Project to save them as part of the project file.

Show in Finder/Explorer [shift-F5]

Tells the Finder (Mac) or Explorer (Windows) to display the project folder.