All ObjectJ Examples

Marking Growth Rings in Fish Otoliths

A project for interactive analysis of otoliths with ImageJ and ObjectJ

Norbert Vischer, Côme Denechaud, Anders Thorsen

02-jan-2024 version 1.13

Instruction Video (3:50 min)

The instruction video covers the following sequence

Additional information:

Addition in Version 1.13:

In previous versions, the red "Vector" was a single straight line. From version 1.13, you can use a segmented line: before starting, choose ObjectJ>Show Project Window and select the Objects panel. For Item "Vector", choose Item Shape = Polyline, and optionally choose ObjectJ>Save Project. For example, after marking the core, create a "vector" with 1, 3 or 5 segments, then press the tab key to switch to itemtype "Increment", or click "Increment" in ObjectJ Tools to continue with marking points.
Note that the "Vector" column in ObjectJ>Show ObjectJ Results shows the polyline's entire length.
Another improvement is the menu ObjectJ>Show/Hide Annotations (long) (see screenshot bottom part).

Here, object #2 started at year=2010 with quality=7, but from year 2013 we chose to mark rings along a different line segment. ObjectJ>Show/Hide Annotations (long) (screenshot bottom) can be used to verify any distance d with ImageJ's line tool, which shows its length in the status bar.

Table structure:


Extended Tutorial

by Côme Denechaud