History of changes of the oocytes project: ------------------------------------------ oocytes version 33, 12-dec-2016 - Category 0 is not used anymore to kill an object, now it assigns categroy #0. You can kill a cell with shortcut "K" - There is a bug that possibly creates new objects after command "Categorize uncategorized cells", rather than adding "cat" lines to the existing object. For now, you can work around this by going to ObjectJ>Show Project Window> "Objects Panel", and set number of all "Clones" larger than 1 (e.g. set it to 99) oocytes version 32, 06-feb-2016 Bug introduced in v31: Variable ellipse tool was not automaticlly re-selected after category assignment. This is fixed. oocytes version 31, 04-dec-2015 Rolling ball background subtraction now uses Paraboloid, rad = 100 Active area for particle analysis now excludes a border of 0.7*rad. FixedDia tool button in ObjectJ Tools, as well as menu command, are disabled (they still exists as comment) oocytes version 30, 22-nov-2015 - fixed bug that occured when not changing the circle to an ellipse - removed the "Fill Holes" command - renamed command "Mark Blood Cells..." to "Mark Oocytes..." - The .ojj project file is now distributed separately from the images, images reside in the compressed Demo-Pics folder - Unzip Demo-Pics folder and move Oocytes-30.ojj into it. oocytes version 29, 06-dec-2013 - faster processing via ojSetTarget - show time - syncchronized with project bloodcells29.ojj oocytes version 28, 04-oct-2013 - close big files before opening new ones oocytes version 27, date 1-apr-2011: - dialog contains "threshold" setting (set to zero for interactive thresholding) - to change a setting permanently: choose ObjectJ>Show Embedded Macros edit global variables at the top click "Install in ObjectJ Menu" choose ObjectJ>Save Project oocytes version 26, date 11-feb-2011 - double-buffering avoids flicker on Windows machine - uses "updateMarker(b) to speed-up marking ellipses - setting binary options "no black backgnd"