//Graph Assistant 14.02.13 21:08 //14-feb-2013 Tanneke+Norbert macro "Unused Tool -" {} var menuItems = getTitles("Axis Dia FluorTotal *Center"); var dCmds = newMenu("Graph Assistant Menu Tool", menuItems); var k90 = 1.645, k95 = 1.9600, k98 = 2.3264, k99 = 2.5758; var xAxis = "", yAxis = ""; var myList= "Axis-Min=0.0\nAxis-Max=3.5\nAxis-Bin=0.1\nDia-Min=0\nDia-Max=1.5"; var binnedXvalues, binnedYvalues, binnedErrorBars; menuItems = getTitles("Dia FluorTotal *Center"); //return array of selected column titles plus chooser function getTitles(titleSelection){ patterns = split(titleSelection); titles = ""; for (col = 1; col <= ojNColumns(); col++){ title = ojGetColumnTitle(col); found = false; for (jj = 0; jj < patterns.length; jj++){ if (ojMatches(title, patterns[jj])) found = true; } if (found) titles = titles + " " + title; } titles = titles + " - Axes_and_Ranges Qualify_ROI Disqualify_ROI Qualify_All - Custom_Columns"; return split(titles); } function doPlot(xTitle, yTitle){ requires("1.45s"); confid = k95; // 95% confidence List.setList(myList); minX = parseFloat(List.get(xTitle + "-Min")); maxX = parseFloat(List.get(xTitle + "-Max")); minY = parseFloat(List.get(yTitle + "-Min")); maxY = parseFloat(List.get(yTitle + "-Max")); binWidth = parseFloat(List.get(xTitle + "-Bin")); if (isNaN(minX)) minX = 0; if (isNaN(maxX)) maxX = 10; if (isNaN(minY)) minY = minOf(0, 1.05*ojGetStatistics(yTitle, "min")); if (isNaN(maxY)) maxY = 1.05 * ojGetStatistics(yTitle, "max"); if (isNaN(binWidth)) binWidth = 0; plotTitle = yTitle + " vs " + xTitle; count = ojGetStatistics(xTitle, "count"); if (ojGetStatistics(yTitle, "count") <1 ) { showMessageWithCancel("Zero qualified entries - Qualify All?"); for (obj = 1; obj<= ojNObjects(); obj++) ojQualify(obj, true); exit; } xValues = newArray(count); yValues = newArray(count); nQualified = 0;//num qualified objects for (obj = 1; obj<= ojNObjects(); obj++){ if (ojQualified(obj)){ valx = ojResult(xTitle, obj); valy = ojResult(yTitle, obj); if (!isNaN(valx + valy)){ xValues[nQualified] = ojResult(xTitle, obj); yValues[nQualified++] = ojResult(yTitle, obj); } } } if (nQualified == 0) exit("zero objects"); if (binWidth > 0) getConfidences(xValues, yValues, binWidth, minX); while(isOpen(plotTitle)){ selectImage(plotTitle); close; } if (binWidth > 0) Plot.create(plotTitle, xTitle, yTitle, binnedXvalues, binnedYvalues); else Plot.create(plotTitle, xTitle, yTitle); Plot.setLimits(minX, maxX, minY, maxY); Plot.setColor("blue"); Plot.add("dots", xValues, yValues); Plot.setColor("red"); if (binWidth > 0) Plot.add("error bars", binnedErrorBars); Plot.setLineWidth(2); Plot.show; } function qualifyRoi(inside){ name = getTitle; if (endsWith(name, ".tif")){ name = substring(name, 0, lengthOf(name) - 4); } titles = split(name);//e.g. Axis vs Dia xTitle = titles[titles.length-1]; yTitle = titles[0]; ojSetColumnProperty(xTitle, "sort", 0);//otherwise it crashes for (obj = 1; obj <= ojNObjects(); obj++){ xval = ojResult(xTitle, obj); yval = ojResult(yTitle, obj); toUnscaled(xval, yval); flag = selectionContains(xval, yval)^!inside; ojQualify(obj, flag); } if (!endsWith(getTitle, ".tif")){ showMessageWithCancel("Rebuild " + getTitle + " Plot ?"); columns = split(getTitle); doPlot(columns[columns.length - 1], columns[0]); } } macro "Graph Assistant Menu Tool - C037T0c12GT8c12A" { if(xAxis == "") xAxis = ojGetColumnTitle(1); if(yAxis == "") yAxis = ojGetColumnTitle(2); ojRequires("1.01w"); title = getArgument(); setKeyDown(""); if (ojColumnNumber(title) > 0){ doPlot(xAxis, title); } else if (title == "Axes_and_Ranges"){ axesAndRangesDialog(); } else if (title == "Qualify_ROI") qualifyRoi(true); else if (title == "Disqualify_ROI") qualifyRoi(false); else if (title == "Qualify_All"){ for (obj = 1; obj <= ojNObjects(); obj++) ojQualify(obj, true); ojSetColumnProperty(xAxis, "sort", 0);//updates statistics } else if (title == "Custom_Columns"){ makeCustomColumns(); } } function axesAndRangesDialog(){ nCols = ojNColumns(); colTitles = newArray(nCols); for (jj = 0; jj < nCols; jj++){ title = ojGetColumnTitle(jj+1); colTitles[jj] = title; } Dialog.create("Choose Columns for Scatter Plot"); Dialog.addChoice("Use for X-Axis:", colTitles, xAxis); Dialog.addChoice("Use for Y-Axis:", colTitles, yAxis); Dialog.show(); xAxis = Dialog.getChoice(); yAxis = Dialog.getChoice(); List.setList(myList); Dialog.create("Choose Plot Parameters"); Dialog.addMessage("-- Horizontal --"); key1 = xAxis+ "-Min"; value = parseFloat(List.get(key1)); Dialog.addNumber(key1, value); key2 = xAxis+ "-Max"; value = parseFloat(List.get(key2)); Dialog.addNumber(key2, value); key3 = xAxis+ "-Bin"; value = parseFloat(List.get(key3)); Dialog.addNumber(key3, value); Dialog.addMessage("-- Vertical --"); key4 = yAxis+ "-Min"; value = parseFloat(List.get(key4)); Dialog.addNumber(key4, value); key5 = yAxis+ "-Max"; value = parseFloat(List.get(key5)); Dialog.addNumber(key5, value); Dialog.addCheckbox("Create Plot Now", true); Dialog.show(); val1 = Dialog.getNumber(); val2 = Dialog.getNumber(); val3 = Dialog.getNumber(); val4 = Dialog.getNumber(); val5 = Dialog.getNumber(); List.set(key1, val1); List.set(key2, val2); List.set(key3, val3); List.set(key4, val4); List.set(key5, val5); myList=List.getList; plotNow = Dialog.getCheckbox; if (plotNow) doPlot(xAxis, yAxis); } //calculates globals binnedXvalues, binnedYvalues, binnedErrorBars; function getConfidences(xValues, yValues, binWidth, xStart){//eg binWidth = 0.5 rankPArr = Array.rankPositions(xValues); count = 0; group = newArray (9000); means = newArray(500); stDevs = newArray(500); e95 = newArray(500); counts = newArray(500); midBins = newArray(500); nBins = 0;//need not be contiguous for (jj = 0; jj < nQualified; jj++){ index = rankPArr[jj];//start with smallest value xVal = xValues[index]; yVal = yValues[index]; bin = floor((xVal - xStart)/binWidth);//0, 1, 2... full = (jj == (nQualified -1)); if (!full){ nextIndex = rankPArr[jj + 1]; nextBin = floor((xValues[nextIndex] - xStart)/binWidth); full = bin != nextBin; } group[count++] = yVal; if (full && count > 1){ showProgress(jj/nQualified); group = Array.trim(group, count); Array.getStatistics(group, min, max, mean, stdDev); midBin = xStart + binWidth * bin + binWidth/2; midBins[nBins] = midBin;//0, 0.5, 1 means[nBins] = mean; stDevs[nBins] = stdDev; e95[nBins] = confid*stdDev/sqrt(count); counts[nBins] = count; group = newArray (9000); count = 0; nBins++; } if (full) count =0; } midBins = Array.trim(midBins, nBins); means = Array.trim(means, nBins); stDevs = Array.trim(stDevs, nBins); e95 = Array.trim(e95, nBins); counts = Array.trim(counts, nBins); binnedXvalues = midBins; binnedYvalues = means; binnedErrorBars = e95; } //age = Td * log(1 - 0.5 * rank/nCells)/log(0.5); function makeCustomColumns(){ showProgress(0.1); ojHideResults(); ojSetColumnProperty("Axis", "sort", 0);//updates statistics nCells = ojNObjects(); createAgeColumn("Axis", "Age"); createAgeColumn("Dia", "AgeDia"); showProgress(0.2); ojInitColumn("RingFraction"); for(obj = 1; obj <= nCells; obj++){ ringFract = 100 * ojResult("FCPlus", obj) /ojResult("FluorTotal", obj); ojSetResult("RingFraction", obj, ringFract); } ojInitColumn("ConcTotal"); for(obj = 1; obj <= nCells; obj++){ conc = ojResult("FluorTotal", obj) /ojResult("Volume", obj); ojSetResult("ConcTotal", obj, conc); } showProgress(0.6); ojInitColumn("WallArea"); for(obj = 1; obj <= nCells; obj++){ axis = ojResult("Axis", obj); dia = ojResult("Dia", obj); cylinderArea = (axis- dia) * dia * PI; ballArea = (dia/2) *(dia/2) * 4 * PI; cellArea = cylinderArea + ballArea; ojSetResult("WallArea", obj, cellArea); } showProgress(0.9); ojInitColumn("ConcWall"); for(obj = 1; obj <= nCells; obj++){ conc = ojResult("FluorTotal", obj) /ojResult("WallArea", obj); ojSetResult("ConcWall", obj, conc); } ojShowResults(); } function createAgeColumn(fromTitle, toTitle){ nCells = ojNObjects(); ojInitColumn(toTitle); axes = newArray(nCells); for (obj = 1; obj <= nCells; obj++) axes[obj-1] = ojResult(fromTitle, obj); rankPosArr = Array.rankPositions(axes); ranks = Array.rankPositions(rankPosArr); Td = 100; for (obj = 1; obj <= nCells; obj++){ relRank = ranks[obj-1] / nCells; age = Td * log(1 - 0.5 * relRank) / log(0.5); ojSetResult(toTitle, obj, age); } }