Thoughts on Correlation 29.09.15 10:52 a) 3D problem: ============== we cannot resove Z, and within 0.8um confocal can't either. Only qualitative analysis is possible. b) Pearson: =========== are the two signals changing proportionally? (no thresholding necessary) c) Manders: ========== works with binary objects provides two output parameters: which area fraction of A overlaps with B which area fraction of B overlaps with A Manders problem: in Coli, we don't have well-defined binary objects. We would have to define two thresholds and would get 2 results. d) Idea for qualitative comparison: =================================== - Apply threshold so that a fixed portion (e.g. 30%) of the cell is above threshold in either channel. Result is relative overlap of each channels's strongest 30% (0..1). - Advantage: - Threshold is easy to explain, - we get only one overlap factor (as foreground area in both channels is equal: 0.3 x cell area) - Options: Analyse entire cell, or cell wall only Software Distribution: ====================== as separate macro. User is free to run it from a separate text window, or to glue it to the end of the embedded macros.