import ij.*; import static ij.ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB; import ij.process.*; import ij.gui.*; import ij.plugin.PlugIn; import ij.text.TextWindow; /*This plugin correlates roi contents of different stack slices. If no roi exists, entire image is used. For example, if user sets parameters chnX =2 and chnY = 3, then: if image is a hyperstack, chn 2 and chn 3 of current slice and frame are correlated if image is a simple stack, slice 2 and slice 3 are correlated if image is RGB image: not allowed If "Plot" is checked, a plot will be created using these parameters: If "ID" indicates an open window with correct size and type, the new plot will be added to its contents. Otherwise, such an image will be created. PlotImage must be a square 32-bit image or stack. Many correlation plots need to be recontrasted. Pressing Apple/Shift/C will bring up the Brightness/Contrast menu. */ public class Roi_Correlator implements PlugIn { private static int chanX; private static int chanY; private static int maxX; private static int maxY; private static int nBins; private static boolean withPlot; private int plotID; private int z1, z2, thrX, thrY, aboveX, aboveY, aboveBoth; private Roi roi; ImagePlus thisImp; static double pearson; static double manders1; static double manders2; public void run(String arg) { int unused = 33; String msg = ""; thisImp = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (thisImp == null) { IJ.noImage(); return; } if (thisImp.getType() == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB) { msg += "Does not work with RGB images\n (perform Image>ColorMake Composite\n"; } if (thisImp.getImageStackSize() < 2) { msg += "Stack with >= 2 images expected\n"; } if (!msg.equals("")) { ij.Macro.abort(); IJ.error(msg); } if (showDialog()) { int maxChn; if (thisImp.isHyperStack()) { maxChn = thisImp.getNChannels(); } else { maxChn = thisImp.getStackSize(); } if (chanX > maxChn || chanY > maxChn) { IJ.error("Channel " + chanX + " or " + chanY + " out of range"); return; } ImageProcessor plot = null; ImagePlus plotImp = null; if (withPlot) { plotImp = getPlotImage(plotID); plot = plotImp.getProcessor(); } pearson = correlate(chanX, maxX, chanY, maxY, nBins, plot); if (Double.isNaN(pearson)) { return; } if (plot != null) { String label = "pc=" + IJ.d2s(pearson, 3); if (plotImp.getStackSize() == 1) { plotImp.setProperty("Label", label); } else { plotImp.getStack().setSliceLabel(label, plotImp.getCurrentSlice()); }; } } } public boolean showDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Image Correlator"); gd.addNumericField("ChannelX: ", 2, 0); gd.addNumericField("ChannelY: ", 3, 0); gd.addMessage("Optional Plot Parameters:"); gd.addCheckbox("Create Plot", true); gd.addNumericField("Use existing Plot with ID:", 0, 0); gd.addNumericField("Bins: ", 100, 0); gd.addMessage("Use Max=0 for automatic scaling"); gd.addNumericField("MaxX: ", 0, 0); gd.addNumericField("MaxY: ", 0, 0); gd.addMessage("Use Thresholds>0 for Manders coeffs"); gd.addNumericField("ThresholdX: ", 0, 0); gd.addNumericField("ThresholdY: ", 0, 0); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) { return false; } chanX = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); chanY = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); withPlot = gd.getNextBoolean(); plotID = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); nBins = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); maxX = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); maxY = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); thrX = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); thrY = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); return true; } public double correlate(int chnA, int maxA, int chnB, int maxB, int nBins, ImageProcessor plot) { int[] dimensions = thisImp.getDimensions(); int slA = 0; int slB = 0; if (thisImp.isHyperStack()) { int channels = dimensions[2]; int slices = dimensions[3]; int frames = dimensions[4]; int c = thisImp.getChannel(); int z = thisImp.getSlice(); int t = thisImp.getFrame(); slA = (t - 1) * slices * channels + (z - 1) * channels + chnA; slB = (t - 1) * slices * channels + (z - 1) * channels + chnB; if (slA > thisImp.getImageStackSize() || slB > thisImp.getImageStackSize()) { IJ.error("out of range: " + slA + " " + slB); } } else { slA = chnA; slB = chnB; } float[] v1, v2; int width = thisImp.getWidth(); int height = thisImp.getHeight(); int left = 0; int top = 0; roi = thisImp.getRoi(); if (roi != null) { left = roi.getBounds().x; top = roi.getBounds().y; width = roi.getBounds().width; height = roi.getBounds().height; } ImageProcessor ipA = null, ipB = null; int index = 0; v1 = new float[width * height]; v2 = new float[width * height]; ipA = thisImp.getImageStack().getProcessor(slA); ipB = thisImp.getImageStack().getProcessor(slB); int max1 = 0; int max2 = 0; for (int y = top; y < top + height; y++) {//Loop for Y-Values for (int x = left; x < left + width; x++) {//Loop for X-Values boolean inside = (roi == null || roi.contains(x, y)); if (inside) { z1 = (int) ipA.getPixelValue(x, y); // z-value of pixel (x,y)in stack #1 on slice s z2 = (int) ipB.getPixelValue(x, y); // z-value of pixel (x,y)in stack #2 on slice s if (z1 > max1) { max1 = z1; } if (z2 > max2) { max2 = z2; } v1[index] = z1; v2[index] = z2; if (z1 > thrX) { aboveX++; } if (z2 > thrY) { aboveY++; } if (z1 > thrX && z2 > thrY) { aboveBoth++; } index++; } } } if (withPlot) { if (maxA == 0) { maxA = max1; } if (maxB == 0) { maxB = max2; } for (int jj = 0; jj < index; jj++) { int px = (int) (v1[jj] * nBins / maxA); int py = nBins - (int) (v2[jj] * nBins / maxB); int count = (int) plot.getPixelValue(px, py); plot.putPixelValue(px, py, ++count); } } pearson = calculateCorrelation(v1, v2, index); manders1 = aboveX/aboveBoth; manders2 = aboveY/aboveBoth; IJ.showStatus("PearsonC = " + (float) pearson); return pearson; } // double calculateCorrelation(float[] x, float[] y, int len ) { double sumx = 0; double sumy = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sumx += x[i]; sumy += y[i]; } double xmean = sumx / len; double ymean = sumy / len; double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sum += (x[i] - xmean) * (y[i] - ymean); } double sumx2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sumx2 += sqr(x[i] - xmean); } double sumy2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { sumy2 += sqr(y[i] - ymean); } return sum / (Math.sqrt(sumx2) * Math.sqrt(sumy2)); } double sqr(double x ) { return x * x; } public static String getPearson() { return "" + pearson; } public static String getManders1() { return "" + manders1; } public static String getManders2() { return "" + manders2; } ImagePlus getPlotImage(int id) { ImagePlus imp; imp = WindowManager.getImage(id); if (imp != null && imp.getType() == ImagePlus.GRAY32 && imp.getWidth() == nBins && imp.getHeight() == nBins) { return imp; } FloatProcessor plot = new FloatProcessor(nBins, nBins); imp = new ImagePlus("Correlation Plot", plot); return imp; } }