Manual for Olympus BX microscope with Hamamatsu camera

N.Vischer, 08-Feb-2017

see also: First-time installation and download

Basically, the macro set provides a two-step dialog (settings and exposures), and then provides shortcut keys such as "Grab next channel [F1]" to fill a hyperstack of the desired structure.

(Fig 1).
Fig. 1: Start-up window shows used config file

(Fig 2).
Fig. 2: Micro-Manager window

(Fig 3).
Fig. 3: Two-step dialog, acquisition structure (left) and exposures (right)

(Fig 5).
Fig.5: Channel, frame and exposure are shown at the top of the image

Customizing the BX macros

Rather than using 'StartupMacros.txt' described above, you can use your own macros with different defaults for channel names and exposure times.
Create your own macro file as follows:
- Choose "Plugin> Macros> Startup Macros..."
- Choose menu File> Save As...>" and save it in your personal folder e.g. as "Modified-BX-macros.txt".
- change the text by entering different settings - note that declarations end with comma, not semicolon - also change the version text
- Save the file again with the changes. - For installing your personal macro file, just choose menu "Plugins> Macros> Install..." and thus replace the current settings with your own ones.
Alternatively, you could simply drag your personal macro file from the Finder/Explorer onto the ImageJ main window, which then shows something like "8 macros installed".

Below is a copy of the current default values:

// begin user-changeable values
    mVersion = "Version N.V. 22-aug-2016",
    defaultField = 2048,  //2048 or 1300
    expArray = split("22 150 330 100 100 100 100 100 100 100"),
    gChnPattern = "bff", 
    gFrames = 4,
    gChannelNames = "",//example: "phc gfp dapi"
    gName = "Collection",
// end user-changeable values

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